Hope Childrens Home is a Ministry Partneship with Pacad Ministries. This Ministry provides food, shelter,
clothing, Christian care and schooling to 30 orphaned children. They are renting a building
now, but desire to have a new site built that will be able to accomodate up to 70 children. Mani Sudha Geddam in partnership
with her husband Samuel Joshua Geddam run this facility in the love that Christ gives to all His children. You can help
with the needs of this Ministry by sending whatever God places on your heart. It costs only $20.00 US dollars to feed
one of these precious children for a month. I will be adding pictures as they become available. You may send a love
offering to them at the below address. Their e-mail is also provided.
Gali Mani Sudha D N0 69-1-10/1 Hope Childrens Home, Bhaskar Nagar Rajahmundry 533105 ,East
Godavary District , Andhra Pradesh, SIndia Telphone 011-91-883-2448597
Hope Childrens Home