"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not men."(Col.3:23)
"Little Disiples of Jesus "
Below is Javed's testimony of how this ministry came into being.
The Organizer of Little Disciples Ministry is Jaevd Irshad. He is 27 years old. His family belongs to Pakistani
Church. First time God touches him when he was a college student. God spoke to him in dream "Go and spread my work in all
part of world." he did not know how! After some days God again spoke to him then he pray to God. God helps me what I can do
for you. God has already chosen him for his work. He was much astonished to see the call letter from Mubarik(United Bible
training Center) Murree, Pakistan. They selected him for the discipleship course. This course is especially designed for Children.
He got training how to trained Childrenand young people. His teachers are very impressed from his work. When he completed
this course his teacher suggests don't loose your talent and give your life to Jesus Christ. They suggest him to start Biblical
Educational Ministry and minister the Christians people. After completing this course he starts working with his own church
due to shortage of finance.
He thanked God who has chosen him in his early age. He prays to God that He bless him with such wonderful
miracles and give him such opportunities that he is ever ready for his glorious work.
The main theme of Little disiples Ministry is to prepare our children. Jesus is coming soon. We are specially
training the women and youngster for the coming of Jesus Christ and they also want to up grade the living standard of the
poor Christian's women and children in the Pakistan.
a) Trained women and children for the coming of Jesus Christ.
b) Raise the prayer groups.
b) Make Biblical Educational centers in those places, where there is darkness.
c) Want to up grade the living standard of the poor Christian females and children.
d) Want to fulfill the needs of the poor Christians, because they firstly want to fulfill there needs and
then the word of God.
Free Tuition Camp
This is our running program this program is specially
designed for children who can not go school just becouse they belongs to the poor faimlies, Aswel we are teach the women so
that they can read the Holy Bible.
Thanks God we have a very good Tutore. Her name is Saima. She work very hard to train the un-educated women.
1- Free English Speaking Course
2- Stitching Centers
4- Primery School for poor Christians
5- Sunday Schools in slum areas
.We work with women, children and youngsters. We teach and preach them Biblical study with different ways.
We have a weekly prayer meeting for women. Women are trained in such a way that they make their homes God's home. We are financially
helping youngsters and children in their studies and running Sunday schools in different places. We are praying and going
door to door and city to city to fulfill the great commission of Lord Jesus Christ. As you know Jesus is coming soon we have
a need to work very rapidly please join us for revival in Pakistan
We have not much experience to minister our people. We can do this job with your moral support. Please join
us for revival in Pakistan. In our country Pakistan mostly people are leading slavery life in-between Muslims they are impressed
from Islam and they forget that Jesus is our savior and Lord. People are mostly un-educated and don't know Jesus is coming
soon. Our main desire is that to improve the living standard of the people and prepare them for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Please give us your moral support and if you have any type of biblical Literatures and books please send it
to our ministry and if you are able to do something for the poor people please do it for our Christians who are living in
Pakistan. We need your support financially and morally please do it for Jesus Christ not for men. We assure you we spent your
all donations in the way of Jesus Christ, because those are not for Razia those are only for Lord Jesus Christ.
We think this is possible for you to minister our people from foreign countries. Please you specially pray
for us that Lord Jesus Christ use us for His glorious work.
Thanks and God bless you all.
Brother in Christ,
Javed Irshad
(Little Disciples)
Mubarik Abad, Christian Colony, Shor Kot Road.
Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan.